Credential Tokens

Credential tokens are non-transferrable NFTs which represent KYC/KYB verification

Borrowers on the Ambidex platform are real world companies, projects, and institutions. Ambidex makes use of non-transferrable credential NFT tokens to represent Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Know-Your-Business verification on the Hedera DLT. This allows real world borrowers to ensure they can meet KYC and AML legal requirements when using the platform.

Credential tokens are used to give borrowers the maximum amount of control and customization over their lender pools. Making use of credential tokens, the platform can support the specific needs of any borrower. One borrower might only choose to borrower only from a controlled set of private/institutional lenders (who are issued a credential token), while another might choose to borrower from any lender that is interested in supplying liquidity (in which case no credential token needs to be issued). Credential tokens serve the further functionality of gating the secondary market. Borrowers can choose to allow for the existence/creation of secondary market AMM pools for the loan tokens, while having the credential token prevent unwanted or unknown persons from purchasing the tokens on the decentralized exchange.

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